Thursday, February 17, 2011

Humility in the Midst of Gloating?

There are so many great blogs with wonderful ideas.  I honestly am humbled that my little blog has recently received some awards from some new followers.  Before continuing on with the requirements, I need to take some time, because:
  1. My day job is crazy right now.  (And that's what I should be working on right now.)
  2. I need to think of 7, yes seven!, things to share about myself.  (I really don't know what to include right now.  Three things maybe, but seven?!  Honestly, I'm not that exciting!)
  3. Sewing also needs to be done, with two baby showers coming up.  (But, that is a fun distraction in the midst of insanity daily life.)
  4. The beings in this household need attention.

I just LOVE this face!


Jodi said...

Oh, I totally understand, it all takes so much time; I wish there were atleast 3 of me!

Love your pooch, cute!!! :)

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

What a cute pic!! Thank you for stopping by my blog!

Okay Let's Go Knit said...

OMG...Jacie is so stinkn' cute!! LOVE the ear.